Signature Series: Tours de Force

Tours de Force

Greenville Concert – Fri, Mar 21 @ 7:30 PM
A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall on the campus of East Carolina University & Online
Raleigh Concert – Sun, Mar 23 @ 3:00 PM
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church & Online

tour de force
/ˌto͝or də ˈfôrs/
an exceptional achievement by an artist, author, or composer, that is unlikely to be equaled by that person or anyone else; stroke of genius

Exceptional achievement, stroke of genius, “it” factor – define it how you will, this concert features two breathtaking works that exemplify the tour de force. Ernest Chausson’s Concerto for Violin, Piano, and String Quartet is chamber music at its most soaring and virtuosic, with a bravura piano part and astounding expressivity in the violin from start to finish. The A Major Sonata for Violin and Piano of Chausson’s teacher and close friend, César Franck, is equally astounding. This intensely dramatic and majestic work requires virtuoso fireworks from both violinist and pianist; Ara Gregorian and Adam Neiman are sure to wow audiences in these roles. These two formidable artists are joined by the equally captivating Terra String Quartet in the Chausson.


César Franck — Sonata in A Major for Violin & Piano
brief pause
Ernest Chausson — Concerto for Violin, Piano & String Quartet, Op. 21

Adam Neiman, piano
Ara Gregorian , violin
Terra String Quartet
Harriet Langley & Amelia Dietrich, violins
Chih-Ta Chen, viola
Audrey Chen, cello